This Policy covers the privacy practices for users who register to use “AmarHR” services at

Who We are?

When we talk about “AmarHR”, or “us” or “we” in this policy, we are talking about AmarHR powered by LPS LLC.

What Information Do We Collect?

When a User registers with AmarHR, we will provide the login information to our client company’s basic account, however the company will generate sub admin user account info as well as employee’s mobile application log in info by themselves on the program. Some information provided to us may, either alone or when connected with other information such as Input data as admin, Internet protocol address, Internet service provider and the time and date of your visit, may individually identify a User, and that information may be referred to in this Privacy Policy as “Personal Information.”

How do we use your information?

AmarHR uses any data and personal information of our client for the purpose of the exact client’s needs only. AmarHR will not share your Personal Information, or otherwise, make your Personal Information available to any other parties except as provided in this Privacy Policy. We will not sell, rent, or exchange your Personal Information with any third-parties without permission from you.

Your personal information rights

You may correct, update, amend, or remove Personal Information by requesting us to do so Or we have provided you the option to correct your information yourself or hide your personal information from other people while you keep your account on AmarHR. If you no longer desire to use our Services, you may deactivate the Services, but that will mean we can no longer provide the Service to you. 

How long we keep your information

We keep your information for as long as you have a valid registered client. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreement or request of an authorized body.

Meeting our legal and regulatory obligations

We may, where it concludes that it is legally obligated to do so, disclose personal data to law enforcement or other government authorities. We will notify customers of such requests unless prohibited by law.

Making a Complaint

If you have a complaint about the use of your personal information, our privacy policy or, please contact us through or please use the “feedback” feature provided on our website.

Updates to this notice

We may update this privacy statement to reflect changes to its information practices. If We make any material changes, We will notify by means of a notice on this site prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.